

[from ‘The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo’, SABDA]

Collected Poems

(p. 638, vol. II, 2009).

(p. 335, vol. II, 2009).

Collected Plays and Stories I

(pp. 483-484, vol. III, 1998).

Bande Mataram

(p. 906, vol. VII, 2002).

(p. 18-19/153, vol. VI, 2002).

(pp. 828/830, vol. VII, 2002).


(p. 6, vol. VIII, 1997).

(pp. 6-9, vol. VIII, 1997).

(p. 33, vol. VIII, 1997).

Essays Divine and Human

(p. 146, vol. XII, 1997).

(pp. 157-158/160, vol. XII, 1997).

(p. 161-164, vol. XII, 1997).

(p. 165, vol. XII, 1997).

(p. 247, vol. XII, 1997).

(pp. 248-249, vol. XII, 1997).

Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

(pp. 51-52, vol. XIII, 1998).

(pp. 151-152, vol. XIII, 1998).

(p. 327, vol. XIII, 1998).

(p. 540, vol. XIII, 1998).

The Secret of the Veda

(pp. 39-40, vol. XV, 1998).

(pp. 36/39, vol. XV, 1998).

(p. 58, vol. XV, 1998).

(p. 244, vol. XV, 1998).

Isha Upanishad

(p. 320, vol. XVII, 2003).

Kena and Other Upanishads

(pp. 5-98, vol. XVIII, 2001).

(pp. 355-357, vol. XVIII, 2001).

(p. 264, vol. XVIII, 2001).

Essays on the Gita

(pp. 10-11, vol. XIX, 1997).

(pp. 44-45, vol. XIX, 1997).

The Renaissance in India

(p. 334, vol. XX, 1997).

(p. 341, vol. XX, 1997).

The Life Divine

(pp. 1010-1011/1020/1106-1107, vol. XXII, 2005).

(pp. 784-785/791/792, vol. XXII, 2005).

(p. 833, vol. XXII, 2005).

(p. 834, vol. XXII, 2005).

(p. 839, vol. XXII, 2005).

(p. 847, vol. XXII, 2005).

(pp. 62-63, vol. XXI, 2005).

(p. 95, vol. XXI, 2005).

(pp. 156-160, vol. XXI, 2005).

(pp. 684-692, vol. XXII, 2005).

(pp. 791, vol. XXII, 2005).

(p. 879, vol. XXII, 2005).

(pp. 893-894, vol. XXII, 2005).

(p. 924, vol. XXII, 2005).

(p. 1096, vol. XXII, 2005).

The Synthesis of Yoga

(p. 6, vol. XXIII, 1999).

(p. 364, vol. XXIII, 1999).

(p. 886, vol. XXIV, 1999).

(p. 696, vol. XXIV, 1999).

(p. 611, vol. XXIV, 1999).

(p. 132, vol. XXIII, 1999).

(p. 196, vol. XXIII, 1999).

(p. 328, vol. XXIII, 1999).

(pp. 330-331, vol. XXIII, 1999).

(p. 387, vol. XXIII, 1999).

The Human Cycle

(pp. 108, 110, 310, 423, vol. XXV, 1997).

(p. 108, vol. XXV, 1997).

(p. 112, vol. XXV, 1997).

(p. 265, vol. XXV, 1997).

(p. 564, vol. XXV, 1997).

(pp. 580-581, vol. XXV, 1997).

Letters on Yoga I

(p. 189, vol. XXVIII, 2012).

(p. 214, vol. XXVIII, 2012).

(p. 226, vol. XXVIII, 2012).

(pp. 257-258, vol. XXVIII, 2012).

(p. 290, vol. XXVIII, 2012).

(p. 294, vol. XXVIII, 2012).

(p. 296, vol. XXVIII, 2012).

(p. 411, vol. XXVIII, 2012).

Letters on Yoga II

(pp. 374-375, vol. XXIX, 2013).

(p. 407, vol. XXIX, 2013).

(p. 482, vol. XXIX, 2013).

Letters on Yoga III

(p. 275, vol. XXX, 2014).

(pp. 217-218, vol. XXX, 2014).

(p. 275, vol. XXX, 2014).

Letters on Yoga IV

(p. 656, vol. XXXI, 2014).

The Mother with Letters on the Mother

(pp. 36, vol. XXXII, 2012).

(pp. 94-95, vol. XXXII, 2012).

Savitri, A Legend and A Symbol

(pp. 1-4, vol. XXXIII, 1997).

(p. 55, vol. XXXIII, 1997).

(p. 172, vol. XXXIII, 1997).

(p. 256, vol. XXXIII, 1997).

(p. 541, vol. XXXIV, 1997).

(p. 707, vol. XXXIV, 1997).

Letters on Himself and the Ashram

(p. 46, vol. XXXV, 2011).

(p. 70, vol. XXXV, 2011).

(p. 211, vol. XXXV, 2011).

(pp. 239/244-245/249, vol. XXXV, 2011).

(pp. 249-250, vol. XXXV, 2011).

(p. 249, vol. XXXV, 2011).

(p. 283, vol. XXXV, 2011).

(p. 322, vol. XXXV, 2011).

(p. 322, vol. XXXV, 2011).

Autobiographical Notes

(p. 53, vol. XXXVI, 2006).

(p. 50, vol. XXXVI, 2006).

(p. 63, vol. XXXVI, 2006).

(p. 107, vol. XXXVI, 2006).

(p. 181, vol. XXXVI, 2006).

(p. 263, vol. XXXVI, 2006).

(pp. 463/465-466, vol. XXXVI, 2006).

(p. 469, vol. XXXVI, 2006).

[from ‘The Centenary Edition’, SABDA]

On Himself

(p. 390, vol. XXVI, 1972).

[from Other Editions, SABDA]

Lights on Yoga

(pp. 19-20, 1981).

[from other publications]

Roy D. K., Sri Aurobindo to Dilip [4 volumes]

(vol. IV - p. 270 - Hari Krishna Mandir, 2003-2011).

[from the recordings of some disciple]

Purani A. B., Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo

(p. 62 - 7.2.1924 - SABDA, 2007).

(p. 106 - 26.08.1940 - SABDA, 2007).

(p. 153 - 23.03.1926 - SABDA, 2007).

(p. 423 - 22.06.1926 - SABDA, 2007).

(p. 544 - 11.12.1938 - SABDA, 2007).

(p. 600 - 1.1.1939 - SABDA, 2007).

(p. 504 - 15.08.1923 - SABDA, 2007).

(p. 538 - 10.12.1938 - SABDA, 2007).

(p. 47 - 6.1.1924 - SABDA, 2007).

(p. 13 - SABDA, 2007).

(p. 743 - 22.6.1940 - SABDA, 2007).

(p. 474 - 9.12.1925 - SABDA, 2007).

(pp. 559/745 - 14.12.38/25.6.40 - SABDA, 2007).

(p. 734 - 22.5.1940 - SABDA, 2007).

(p. 732 - 20.5.1940 - SABDA, 2007).

(pp. 523-524 - 15.08.1925 - SABDA, 2007).

(pp. 98-99 - 18.01.1939 - SABDA, 2007).

Nirodbaran, Talks with Sri Aurobindo [2 volumes]

(vol. II - p. 277 - 5.03.1940 - SAS, 1985).

(vol. I - p. 11 - 11.12.1938 - SAS, 1986).

(vol. I - p. 192 - 17.1.1939 - SAS, 1986).

(vol. I - p. 21 - 13.12.1938 - SAS, 1986).

(vol. I - pp. 137-138/140 - 7.1.1939 - SAS, 1986).

(vol. I - pp. 3-4 - 10.12.1938 - SAS, 1986).

(vol. II - p. 372 - 11.05.1940 - SAS, 1985).

(vol. I - p. 99 - 31.12.1938 - SAS, 1986).

(vol. II - p. 390 - 20.05.1940 - SAS, 1985).

AA.VV., Archives and Research [26 fascicules, SABDA, 1977-1994]


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Mère, Words of the Mother - I (vol. XIII) (SABDA, 1980).

Mère, Questions and Answers 1957-58 (vol. IX) (SABDA, 1980).


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(Gordon Press, 1975).

Aeschylus, Promētheus Desmōtēs

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